Dear Members,
AmCham Bahrain would like to invite you to participate in our first ever AmCham MENA speed networking event. Throughout this event, you will be able to meet and greet other AmCham Members in the region such as the GCC, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, and Egypt. The event will last 1 (one) hour and will be geared mainly towards enabling our members to e-meet one another via Zoom.
The event will be held on July 26th at:
6:00 - 7:00 PM Bahrain Time
If this is your first virtual networking event, please note that the time in the breakout rooms is limited, so we have a few suggestions on topics that can help you make the most out of it (don’t forget you have 2 minutes)
A. What type of work do you do and what skills/business do you offer and elaborate (2 minutes per person)
B. If you would like to do a more personal approach you can introduce yourself, mention your purpose for joining this event, what are you currently seeking, and as a fun fact what are some of your hobbies (2 Minutes per person)
C. Do not forget to thank everyone you meet, and provide them with your contact if you are interested in engaging with them in the future
Housekeeping notes:
1. Before the event, make sure to prepare a short elevator pitch - time is precious, so please make sure you're ready to meet others when it's your turn to introduce yourself.
2. Since the event is only for 1 hour, we ask that you keep your introduction to a maximum of 2 minutes so that others can speak too.
3. You will be randomly placed in a virtual room with 2-3 other people - Each room meets for 10 minutes.
4. After each session, you will be placed back in the main room, and placed back into a new breakout room after 20 seconds - the process will repeat throughout the hour.
5. Please stay in your breakout room until that session is over - it will bring you back to the main lobby automatically
Other notes:
1. When the breakout rooms are ready- you will be asked to move to the session, so click on the request. Do not click on anything after because it might kick you out of the session if you press something else.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the event, and we look forward to seeing you!
2. Please ensure that your Zoom name matches your actual name, to do that, you can rename yourself during the session if needed
3. Please be camera/microphone ready; seeing your peer will help you connect with them and put a face to the name.
4. We will go over these notes once again during the session.