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Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges for the GCC Countries – 2022

  • 2 Feb 2022
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Online


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Join us for a virtual roundtable with Citi Group Chief Economist for the GCC and Turkey -- Mr. Ilker Domac. He will speak about Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges for the GCC Countries – 2022 followed by a Q&A discussion. Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 3:00-4:00pm Bahrain Time.

The presentation aims to take stock of the recovery process since the outbreak of the pandemic and shed light on the growth outlook for the GCC economies. The case for promoting more diversified and resilient economies has become stronger than ever in the face of decarbonization efforts and the reduction in the prices of other sources of energy. The noted backdrop, in turn, calls for a closer look at the growth prospects and challenges for the GCC region.

This event is a part of AmCham’s mission to provide its members access to information that helps them understand issues impacting business to help navigate change. [Continuing Covid, inflation, supply chain, VAT, consumer confidence, local and regional governmental policies - to name just a few issues impacting business.]


Ilker Domac is a Managing Director at Citi Group Research and is the Chief Economist, covering the GCC region, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and the rest of South-Eastern Europe. Before joining Citi in 2006, Ilker held various positions at the World Bank where, during a tenure of over 10 years, he led structural adjustment operations, worked on transition economies and the Asian economies during the 1997 financial crisis. He served as Deputy General Manager at the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey before joining Barclays Capital in London. He also worked in Tirana as an advisor to the Albanian Finance Minister. Ilker has numerous publications in scholarly journals in the area of open-economy macroeconomics. Ilker holds a B.Sc. degree from Marmara University in Istanbul and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin.


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